In the period of January 4-7, 2021 in Izmail, Ukraine, the study visit in frames of EU project “CBC-DEBUS-Innovative Development of Entrepreneurial education and stimulation of new Business in cross-border region” funded by the European Union in the framework of the Joint Operational Programme Romania-Ukraine 2014-2020 was held. The event was organized by Youth Public Organization “New European Generation”, that is the Lead partner within the project. The overall objective of the project “CBC-DEBUS” is to improve the quality and access to entrepreneurial education through the development and implementation of 1 innovative program for training entrepreneurial skills, in order to support development of at least 75 business plans, within 12 months, with the purpose of creating new businesses and jobs in the near future.
The purpose of this event was to exchange experience in doing business and raising public awareness in starting and running your own business, the peculiarities of legislation in the field of support and development of entrepreneurship in Ukraine and Romania, as well as teaching practices in economics and entrepreneurship. The event was attended by business experts from Ukraine and Romania, as well as project teams of all partners. The first study visit was held in Tulcea (Romania) on 21-24.12.2020. The result of these meetings will be the development of a business training program that will combine the requirements of both partner countries in this field. This program will receive accreditation in Romania, as well as become an educational tool that can be implemented in educational institutions of Ukraine.