On July 30th, 2020 in Izmail, Ukraine, the launching conference of EU project “CBC-DEBUS-Innovative Development of Entrepreneurial education and stimulation of new Business in cross-border region” funded by the European Union in the framework of the Joint Operational Programme Romania-Ukraine 2014-2020 was held. The event was organized by Youth Public Organization “New European Generation”, that is the Lead partner within the project. The overall objective of the project “CBC-DEBUS” is to improve the quality and access to entrepreneurial education through the development and implementation of 1 innovative program for training entrepreneurial skills, in order to support development of at least 75 business plans, within 12 months, with the purpose of creating new businesses and jobs in the near future.

The representatives of project partners: Tulcea County Agency for Employment (Romania), Patronage of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises of Tulcea County (Romania), as well as stakeholders of Mass media, etc. participated in the conference. Because of the quarantine restrictions connected with the spread of COVID-19, partners from Romania had no opportunity to come to Ukraine, therefore they took part in the conference via online tools.